Dawn Mullins C.C.S.I & S.P.O.A (Single Point of Access) Coordinator (845) 808-1600 x46139
Single Point of Access (or SPOA) is a process facilitated by the Department of Mental Health and attended by providers of intensive community-based programs. The goal is to ensure timely and appropriate access to intensive services for children at risk of multiple hospitalizations and out of home placements. Anyone can make a SPOA referral; however, we need input from you and your child’s mental health provider (such as clinical reports). All SPOA programs utilize a wraparound approach and care coordination. If you have any questions, please contact Dawn Mullins, SPOA at (845) 808-1600, Ext. 46139 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Below is a brief description of these services.
SPOA SERVICES Home and Community Based Waiver (HCBS) is the highest level of community based care short of a hospital setting. An Individualized Care Coordinator (or ICC) meets with families several times a month and coordinate services (skill building, intensive in-home, family support, crisis response, and respite) to increase community connections. Families can expect a high level of service involvement and multiple service providers.
Community Residence (CR) This is a home-like setting where 8-10 children live while working on an appropriate family plan so that they may return to their community. This allows children and caregivers the space to help them improve their interactions. Children often go home on the weekend and parents are expected to be involved. Parents do not have to give up custody like in a group home. Youth connected to DSS may also use the CR as a resource. Westchester County has two CRs: Abbott House for boys and girls 9-16 and Family Services of Westchester for boys 13-18. Hamptonburgh Residence is a CR in Orange County for girls 12-18.
Residential Treatment Facility (RTF)
This is a licensed New York State Office of Mental Health residential program that fully integrates mental health services for youth 5-21. This process is considered for youth who are identified as having significant mental health needs and it has been determined that all other treatment options have been exhausted. A SPOA application is submitted to the Pre-Admissions Certification Committee (PACC) to determine eligibility. After determination youth is either referred to an RTF or alternative community options are recommended for exploration.
Case Management A Care Coordinator visits regularly to help youth/family identify needs and connect to services and supports as necessary.
ADDITIONAL SERVICES CCSI is a partnership between family members and service providers designed to assist families whose children have mental health needs. Our goal is to empower families by building upon strengths to create an individualized plan to meet their specific needs within the community.
Family Support is available to you and your family whether or not you receive SPOA services.
CoveCare Center offers Family Peer Support and Advocacy for parents/guardians of children with serious emotional, social and behavioral challenges. Staff are parents who understand the challenges you are facing and can direct you to community resources and supports. Please contact Wanda Crowley at (845) 225-2700, Ext. 224 for more information.
Health Home Care Management A Health Home is not a physical space; it is a care management service model for eligible Medicaid recipients where all of the professionals involved in a member’s care communicate with one another so that the member’s medical, behavioral health and social service needs are addressed in a comprehensive manner. Lead Health Homes work with local Care Management Agencies with a variety of specialties to best serve members in their own communities.