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Putnam County

Planning, Development & Public Transportation

Mission Statement

The Planning Department is open from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday (except from mid-June through mid-September, when the hours are 8am to 4pm).

The Planning Department directs millions of dollars each year into the local economy and indirectly touches the lives of all Putnam County residents through its many activities:

Contact Planning, Development & Public Transportation

  • Barbara Barosa, AICP


Planning, Development
& Public Transportation

Services Offered

Census 2020

The Census is mandated by the U.S. Constitution. The United States has been conducting the Census every ten years since 1790. Data from the Census will be used for the next ten years for many things – including determining New York State’s representation in Congress as well as local districting. 

Civil Rights

FTA’s Office of Civil Rights is responsible for ensuring public transit providers comply with all nondiscrimination requirements. FTA oversees the implementation of laws and regulations that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and age in the provision of services to the public. 

Affiliate Agency Links

Click to see a list of agencies that we work with.

Towns & Villages

Links to the towns and villages in Putnam County New York

Main Street Planning Study

The Putnam County Main Street Partnership represents a partnership between Putnam County and its towns and villages to address issues of community revitalization in the County’s hamlets, villages, and traditional commercial centers. Funding for this study was secured by the Putnam County Department of Planning from the NYS Quality Communities Program and administered locally by the Putnam County Planning Department in conjunction with the Putnam County Purchasing Department. The RBA Group in association with E.M. Pemrick & Company were the consultants hired to conduct the various components of the study. The RBA Group in association with E.M. Pemrick & Company was the consultant hired to conduct the various components of the study.


PART operates four fixed routes year round in addition to a seasonal trolley in Cold Spring and a commuter shuttle to the Metro North Station at Croton Falls. Half-Fare is available to those who apply and meet necessary requirements. PART Paratransit is an origin-to-destination transportation system for those Putnam residents who are unable to use the PART public transportation due to a physical or mental disability. PART Paratransit operates specially modified vans to transport riders with a range of disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs.

Keep Putnam Farming / Agricultural & Farmland Protection Board

The Putnam County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board (PCAFPB) was formed in 1997 to advise the County legislature on actions that impact farms, and review Agricultural District petitions submitted during the Annual Enrollment period of April 1st through April 30th.  The PCAFPB shall also develop, assess, and approve county agricultural and farmland protection plans.  The PCAFPB is a resource for farmers, landowners, and municipalities regarding any agricultural concerns within Putnam County.


The Planning Department is open from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday (except from mid-June through mid-September, when the hours are 8am to 4pm).

The Planning Department directs millions of dollars each year into the local economy and indirectly touches the lives of all Putnam County residents through its many activities:

  1. Assisting the County Executive in executive planning and capital budgeting
  2. Performing Land Use Case Reviews and approval authority
  3. Performing State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) reviews
  4. Providing technical assistance to municipalities of the county on matters of planning and zoning, including training seminars Information, referral and database management for the New York State Data Center, disseminating demographic information on the County from the US Census
  5. Delivering environmental education and training seminars, research studies of natural resources, and technical assistance to local municipalities and the public
  6. Planning and operational administration of the PART public bus system, specialized transportation services, and paratransit services, including route scheduling, passenger recording and fee collection
  7. Preparing all analytical, monitoring and annual reports related to transportation planning, in compliance with the mandates of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act Inter-County Transportation – working with the NY State Department of Transportation as sponsor for the STOA program to provide intercounty transportation to White Plains and New York City
  8. Bikeway and Park-and-Ride Planning – working in conjunction with federal and state agencies to initiate a bikeway project and explore park-and-ride sites
  9. Securing federal and state grants to help achieve departmental programs and fund new initiatives
  10. Watershed Implementation – implementing the Watershed Agreement with New York City
  11. Working in liaison with the Soil and Water Conservation District, which is part of the Planning Department.

PLEASE NOTE: that appointments are needed for technical assistance.

Current Studies

Towns & Villages

2019 Putnam County Intersection Improvements Feasibility Study

Main Street Planning Study

Public Transportation

Public Transportation

PART operates four fixed routes year round in addition to a seasonal trolley in Cold Spring and a commuter shuttle to the Metro North Station at Croton Falls. Half-Fare is available to those who apply and meet necessary requirements. PART Paratransit is an origin-to-destination transportation system for those Putnam residents who are unable to use the PART public transportation due to a physical or mental disability. PART Paratransit operates specially modified vans to transport riders with a range of disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs.

News & Press Releases

News & Press Release

Putnam County Fair and 4-H Showcase

Join Putnam County Climate Smart, along with several other county departments and local organizations, at the Putnam County Fair & 4-H Showcase on July 27th from 10am-6pm and July 28th from 10am-3pm at Veterans Memorial Park in Carmel, NY. The Fair, hosted by the Cornell Cooperative Extension...