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Putnam County Legislature

Laws & Notices

Local Law No 15 of 2012 To Amend Chapter 55 of the Putnam County Code entitled “Ethics, Code of, and Financial Disclosure”

04 December 2012

County of Putnam
Local Law #15 of 2012
(Passed at the Regular Full Mtg. December 4, 2012)
A Local Law to Amend Chapter 55 of the Putnam County Code entitled “Ethics, Code of,
and Financial Disclosure”
Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the County of Putnam as follows:
Section 1.
Section 55-16 of the Putnam County Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
§55-16. Board of Ethics jurisdiction, powers, and duties.
A. Except as provided in Section 808 of the N.Y.S. General Municipal Law, the Board
of Ethics may only act with respect to officers and employees of the County.
B. The termination of a municipal officer’s or employee’s term of office or
employment with the County shall not affect the jurisdiction of the Board of Ethics
with respect to the requirements imposed on him or her by this chapter.
C. Internal organization and procedures; other powers and duties.
1. The Board of Ethics shall adopt rules and regulations governing its own
internal organization and procedures in a manner consistent with this
chapter. Such rules and regulations shall guarantee due process and be
consistent with all applicable state laws and adopted after consultation
with the Putnam County Attorney.
2. The Board of Ethics shall have such other powers and duties as shall be
provided by or pursuant to Article 18 of the General Municipal Law of the
State of New York, or any other applicable law.
D. The County Attorney shall provide legal services to the Board of Ethics upon
request, except that in cases where the Board of Ethics deems it necessary or
appropriate, the Board may engage the services of outside counsel with the
consent of the County Legislature which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Section 2.
Section 55-20 of the Putnam County Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
§55-20. Advisory opinions.
A. The Board of Ethics shall render advisory opinions to County officers and
employees with respect to the interpretation and application of this chapter, or
Article 18 of the N.Y.S. General Municipal Law.
B. Consistent with Section 808 of the N.Y.S. General Municipal Law, the Board of
Ethics shall also render advisory opinions to officers and employees of
municipalities wholly or partly within the County with respect to Article 18 of the
N.Y.S. General Municipal Law or any code of ethics adopted pursuant thereto.
C. The Board of Ethics shall render any such advisory opinion only pursuant to a
written request by an officer or employee of the County or of a municipality
wholly or partly within the County consistent with Section 808 of the N.Y.S.
General Municipal Law. The request must relate to the officer’s or employee’s
official duties and responsibilities. The Board of Ethics shall acknowledge
receipt of any such request within 30 days after receipt thereof, and shall act
upon such request within 60 days of receipt or may treat the request as a
complaint governed by §55-18.
D. Advisory opinions of the Board of Ethics, and the identity of the person
requesting an advisory opinion shall be confidential, and in no event shall an
advisory opinion or the identity of the officer or employee be disclosed by the
Board of Ethics. The person to whom an advisory opinion is rendered may make
such disclosures with respect to the advisory opinion as he or she may wish.
Section 3.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately.