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Putnam County Department of Health

News & Press Releases

A PHAB Accredited Health Department

The Putnam County Department of Health is made of several divisions all working towards improving and protecting the health of the community. Click on one of the options below to learn more about that division.

PCDOH Launches Vaccine Survey for Parents of Young Children

28 June 2023

The Putnam County Department of Health is conducting an online survey to learn more about early childhood vaccination in our county.  Parents and guardians of children two to five years of age are invited to participate. The survey can be taken in English or Spanish and will take less than five minutes to complete. It is optimized for mobile, can be accessed at or by scanning the QR code below, and will be open through close of business on Friday, August 4th, 2023.

Improving early childhood vaccination rates was identified as one of the top ten health priorities in Putnam County in the most recent comprehensive community health assessment. The survey is being administered in conjunction with an intervention with county pediatric practices to improve rates through utilization of vaccine reminder systems.

PCDOH lanza encuesta sobre vacunas para padres de niños pequeños

El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Putnam está realizando una encuesta en línea para obtener más información sobre la vacunación en la primera infancia en nuestro condado. Se invita a participar a los padres y tutores de niños de dos a cinco años de edad. La encuesta se puede realizar en inglés o español y le llevará menos de cinco minutos completarla. La encuesta está  preparada para dispositivos móviles, se puede acceder en o escaneando el código QR a continuación, y estará abierto hasta el cierre de operaciones el viernes 4 de agosto de 2023.

Mejorar las tasas de vacunación en la primera infancia se identificó como una de las diez principales prioridades de salud en el condado de Putnam en la evaluación integral de community health assessment.   La encuesta se administra junto con una intervención con prácticas pediátricas del condado para mejorar las tasas mediante la utilización de sistemas de recordatorio de vacunas.

Welcome Message

The mission of the Putnam County Department of Health is to improve and protect the health of our community.

We strive to prevent the spread of disease, protect against environmental hazards, promote healthy lifestyles, ensure access to quality health services, and respond to disasters.

We encourage you to explore our website and contact us if you have any questions.

In the event of an emergency, Health Department staff are available 24/7. Please call 845-808-1390 to report a public health emergency, rabies exposure, communicable disease, water outage or sewer overflow.
If you are a member of the media and would like to contact the health department, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Contact the Department of Health

  • Michael J. Nesheiwat, MD

    Commissioner of Health