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Putnam County Legislature

Laws & Notices

10 February 2023

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held on the 21st of February, 2023

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the County Executive of the County of Putnam at Room 300 of the County Office Building, 40 Gleneida Avenue, Carmel, New York 10512 on the 21st day of February, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. and again at 6:00 p.m., concerning:


Amending the Code of the County of Putnam, as approved and adopted by the Putnam County Legislature on February 7, 2023, by resolution #27, by repealing Article X of Chapter 220 entitled “EXEMPTION FOR QUALIFIED MEMBERS OF VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS AND AMBULANCE CORPS” and replacing it as follows. 

This Local Law amends Article X of Chapter 220 by replacing it with a revised version of the same law to provide a tax exemption for members of volunteer fire companies and voluntary ambulance services. 

The purpose and effect of the Local Law are to implement the authority granted to local taxing jurisdictions by New York State Real Property Tax Law Section 466-a - Volunteer Firefighters, and Volunteer Ambulance Workers by amending the related provisions of the County Code. The Local Law provides that a qualified member, defined as an individual who has been an enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department, or incorporated voluntary ambulance service for at least five years prior to submitting an application for tax exemption and who has obtained a certificate from the authority having jurisdiction for such organization certifying such membership with satisfactory proof as determined by the Legislature, can qualify for a tax exemption for County purposes, exclusive of special assessments, of 10 percent of the assessed value of the real property constituting the primary residence owned by the qualified member or by the qualified member and spouse.  To the extent the property has uses other than as the qualified member's residence, such exemption shall apply only to the portion of the property used exclusively for the member's residence. Qualified Members shall be required to file an application with the local Assessor and each incorporated volunteer fire company, incorporated volunteer fire department, and incorporated voluntary ambulance service shall file a notice annually with the Assessor, prior to the applicable taxable status date, certifying its enrolled members with five or more years of service, and surviving spouses of deceased members qualified for exemption.  A member whose fire company or department or ambulance service services Putnam County and who otherwise meets the above criteria and has accrued more than 20 years of active service and is so certified by such organization can be granted a lifetime tax exemption of 10 percent.

This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon the filing with the secretary of state.
Copies of the Local Law are available at the Office of the Putnam County Legislature, Room 313, 40 Gleneida Avenue, Carmel, New York 10512.

At the aforesaid time and place all persons interested in the subject matter thereof will be heard concerning same.  Comments will also be accepted via regular mail submitted to the above referenced address, electronic mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and facsimile to (845) 808-1901.

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